It is the sequel to the game Metro 2033. Both games are based on the world of Dmitry Glukhovsky's novel Metro 2033 - in post-apocalyptic Moscow, in the tunnels of subway lines groups of very different people survive. And not only people. There are mutated people there, and mutated animals. They are distinguished by unusual abilities, but even more - behaviour strategies. In the struggle for the remnants of resources, all these beings spend their gloomy days.
All characters use unusual and unexpected means for life and war. Something is created from the remnants of a past, normal life, something has already appeared in a new, changed world.
Locations are struck by an unusual synthesis of the ruins of a known world and traces of a catastrophe.
From the previous game Metro: Last Light differs, according to general opinion, by careful work on the remarks and shortcomings of the previous game. The set of weapons is significantly expanded, the technologies of Metro 2033 have become more developed.
The game has two fundamentally different endings and five additions.